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What is Last Mile Marketing?

The “last mile” of your marketing campaign is often the most challenging, but it is also the most rewarding. This type of marketing occurs close to the point of purchase and relies on advertisements in electronic and print media. When ensuring the success of your last-mile marketing, it’s important to partner with a company that has the skills and experience to implement your ideas in a timely and effective manner. Here, we will discuss what last-mile marketing is and what you should look for in a last-mile marketing company.

What Is Last-Mile Marketing?

Last-mile marketing is the final leg of a marketing campaign that focuses primarily on the importance of the consumers’ first impression of a new brand. Businesses can spend a lot of time designing new logos and other branding materials, but the actual implementation of said branding is what dictates the customers’ first impression.

Some of the key elements of last-mile marketing include:

  • Physical branding: When a shopper buys your product from a store or opens their delivered package, it should match their expectations based on digital marketing efforts.
  • Consistency for multiple launch locations and distributors: If you’re releasing a new product through multiple different websites, store locations, or third-party distributors, it can be difficult to guarantee a consistent customer experience. Creating checkpoints to ensure compliance with your brand standards can stop portions of your audience from having a drastically different experience from others. By working with a single vendor for this process, you can centralize your consistency standards and timelines.
  • Picking the right marketing partner: Picking the right marketing partner is crucial to the success of your last-mile marketing. Working with a single vendor rather than multiple ensures consistency as well as the proper execution and implementation of any marketing campaign. 

Last Mile Delivery Communication

A crucial element in last-mile marketing is providing communication that is both adequate and helpful. For example, if a customer buys your product online, you may want to provide communications such as thank-you emails, tracking information, and other updates. Another key element is sending nurture emails throughout the communication process. Providing this level of communication is crucial in increasing trust in your brand, making customers feel more valued, and increasing customer satisfaction. 

The right marketing partner can help you decide which of these (and other) elements of communication are the right fit for your brand as well as how to embody your brand in these messages. This will help customers differentiate your brand experience from others and create a positive buying experience.

Choosing a Last-Mile Marketing Company

Because last-mile marketing is so important, choosing the right company is essential. Look for one with experience in your industry and values that align with your own. When making your selection, consider the following: 

  • Partnership: Find a company that can offer you dedicated and personalized services, not a one-size-fits-all solution.
  • Professionalism: Look for a business with great testimonials, a lot of experience, and a history of success. 
  • Scalability: Ensure you choose a partner that can meet your business’s current needs and grow with you in the future.
  • Service Levels: Look for services that guarantee on-time delivery, accurate reporting, and the right delivery speeds.
  • Technology: It’s important to work with a marketing company that can meet your expectations for analytics, predictable pricing, and other technical capabilities. 

Why Use ImageMark for Marketing Support Services?

At ImageMark, we provide scalable last-mile marketing services that are customizable to each of our clients. Our team handles communication tactics across multiple different channels, and our services include:

  • Kitting and distribution
  • Wide-format printing
  • Promotional items
  • Direct mail

Through personalized service and the ability to deliver outcomes, ImageMark is your ideal partner for last-mile marketing. For more information about our capabilities contact us today.


Guide to Designing an Effective Postcard

Postcards offer one of the best ways to utilize direct mail, providing an affordable method of getting messages to your customers. When done properly, postcards can produce great results for your business. In this blog, we will walk you through some key tips and best practices to keep in mind when designing effective postcards.

Tip #1: Keep It Simple

One of the most important tips is to keep your postcard simple. To get your message across, your postcard should be easy for the recipient to understand and feature clear, concise language. If your point is not easily recognized, you run the risk of recipients throwing your postcards in the trash before understanding the message. To prevent this, keep your design simple and to the point.

Tip #2: Create Different Messages for Different Target Audiences

Fully personalizing your postcards to individual recipients is highly effective and enhances the customer experience but is not always practical. A great alternative is to divide your audience into targeted segments. For example, postcards targeted toward parents with young children will look different than postcards catered towards empty-nesters or single adults. By creating different messages for each targeted segment, your postcards will have higher relevance, which increases the chances that they will be read and acted upon.

Tip #3: Use Eye-Catching Images

Eye-catching images and graphics are critical in delivering effective postcards. Since postcards have a very limited amount of space to get your message across, it’s important to use it wisely. Studies indicate that individuals process visual information 60,000 times quicker than written information, so when space is limited, images offer the best way to tell your story and spread your message.

Tip #4: Don’t Forget the Call To Action

Last but certainly not least, be sure to include an obvious call to action. This step is often overlooked or forgotten by many businesses, which leads to disappointing results. To ensure your customers are directed to where they need to go, include a clear and enticing call to action. For example, if your postcard is announcing a sale, you could include a CTA that says “Visit our website today and use promo code XYZ for 20% off.” 

By leaving out a call-to-action, recipients may throw away or set down the postcard without taking the desired steps. Rather than assuming your audience will act without direction, include a CTA!

Direct Mail Services from ImageMark

Direct mail postcards offer a great way to reach your target audience and generate leads for your business. To ensure optimal results, it’s important to keep designs simple, mail to segmented target audiences, use attractive images, and include a powerful call to action. By following these four tips, you’ll be well on your way to designing effective postcards that will achieve the results your desire.

At ImageMark, we support our customers’ marketing efforts through a wide range of services. From printing and fulfillment to kitting and direct mail services, we are here to deliver the solutions our customers need to drive results for their businesses. For more tips on designing the best postcard for your marketing campaign, or to learn more about our services, contact ImageMark today.

5 Fun Stats for Your Fundraising

Nonprofit organizations know the importance of personalized direct mail. Most likely, you are already personalizing your mailers by the donor’s name, giving history, and often household income. But are there other data points that could help? Here are some exciting statistics that, while they may not all apply to your organization, illustrate how important it is to know as much as possible about your donors. You never know what data might be vital to increasing their support.

1) Should you be targeting Millennials? Not necessarily. Millennials (those born 1981–1995) are more socially-minded than older generations, but does this mean they are a fundraising gold mine? Actually, no.According to Blackbaud, Millennials aren’t significant givers. On average, they give $481 per year, compared to $732 for Generation X and $1,212 for Boomers.

2) Mac users are more generous. On average, Mac users give $182 per donation, while PC users give $137. This reminds us that correlations related to giving can be found in the most unexpected places, so dig deep!

3) Add video. According to Olgive, 57% of people who watch a nonprofit video will ultimately donate. Use print-to-mobile tools like QR Codes and augmented reality to enable donors to feel more personally connected to your cause.

4) Be mobile-friendly. According to Nonprofits Source, 51% of people visit nonprofit websites on mobile devices. Even if you send your appeals through the mail, make sure your website is optimized to look fantasticregardless of what device people use to access it.

5) Don’t overlook lower-income households. If you think the more money someone has, the more likely they will reach into their pockets, you’d be wrong. In one survey, households making $25,000 per year gave an average of 12.8% of their annual income to charity. This is the highest percentage (and nearly double that) of any other income demographic.

All of this points to the need for more and better data. Every nonprofit’s donor base will look and act differently, so before mailing out that appeal, invest the time to understand yours.

What Matters More Than Products, Services, and Price? Customer Experience!

When two companies offer similar products, what differentiates one from another? It’s more than price. When it comes right down to it, there is something even more important. It’s the customer experience.

While “customer experience” can be an overused buzzword, there is a lot of truth behind its importance. At lunchtime, for example, there might be a deli right down the street that makes the best pastrami on rye in the entire country, but if the floor is dirty and the people behind the counter are snarky and rude, it doesn’t matter. You’ll go somewhere else.

The same occurs at the retail level. Take the example of Nordstrom’s, which has been regularly praised by the National Retail Foundation as both setting and raising the standard for customer experience. Nordstrom customers know that when they shop at one of its stores, they will not only find premium merchandise, but they will be treated with value. From their interaction with employees to the chain’s policies designed to enhance speed and convenience, shoppers may buy the same merchandise at other high-end retailers, but they won’t be treated the same way.

Customer experience matters. With so many brands competing for the same customer dollars, experience can become the main differentiator between one company and the other. Not just in a positive way, but in a negative way, as well. In fact, Microsoft found that 58% of American consumers will switch companies because of poor customer service.

That’s why we put so much emphasis on customer experience at ImageMark. We hope that, when you interact with any of our team members, you feel that we really care.

  • From how you are greeted when you first contact us, to how promptly and professionally your estimate is handled, we hope that you feel respected and valued from the very first moment.
  • If you have questions, we hope our salespeople and customer service team answer those questions promptly and offer suggestions genuinely designed to benefit your business and marketing plans, whether they improve our bottom line or not.
  • When things go wrong, we hope that you know that we will take full responsibility for anything that is on us, and we will make it right, no matter what it takes.
  • We hope that you do business with us, not just because of the value we offer in print and marketing services, but because you feel that you matter to us and that we value the projects you are doing.

If there is any area in which your customer experience falls short, let us know! We want to exceed your expectations because we know that, even though we take great pride in the print and marketing services we offer, a great customer experience is the greatest value we can provide.