The Future of Medical Kitting Services in Supporting RPM and Telehealth

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With the COVID-19 pandemic came the rise of telehealth and remote patient monitoring (RPM). Specifically, recent research by JAMA Internal Medicine found that Medicare billing for RPM saw a 555% increase between January 1, 2018, to September 30, 2021.

To help support remote patient monitoring and telehealth, medical kitting services are a necessity for healthcare providers. However, many providers are uncertain about the future of telehealth and RPM as the effects of the pandemic subside and patients have access to in-person care. The fact is that recent technological advances in medical kitting services, wearables, and other solutions continue to improve virtual care.

Learn what experts have to say about the future of post-pandemic remote patient monitoring and telehealth.

Why Patients Opt for Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

A 2020 Accenture survey of patients who used different types of virtual care tools amid the COVID-19 pandemic discovered that 60% of them intend to continue using virtual care solutions after the pandemic. The specific reasons they gave for continuing to use virtual care tools included the ability to make care more convenient, personal, and timely.

Virtual care solutions eliminate the issues that providers may not consider when formatting their care, including patients’ need to take time off from work to visit a facility or sit in potentially stress-inducing waiting rooms. According to the aforementioned survey, 90% of patients actually found the care they received through virtual tools to be just as good as or superior to the in-person care they received before the pandemic.

This survey and other research reveal the staying power of remote patient monitoring in healthcare, as providers can use it to more effectively meet the needs of their patients and make full use of virtual care tools. Remote patient monitoring ultimately makes it easier for physicians to provide exceptional care to patients in a world where many of these professionals struggle to manage all their patients and become overworked. RPM and virtual care will allow for better overall care, reduce expenses for providers, and maximize the accessibility of care for all patients.

The Growing Need for Medical Kitting and Fulfillment

Healthcare providers and suppliers of first aid kits have had to work harder to meet the growing demand for healthcare products in the home. With the need for medical kitting services and home healthcare devices, a growing number of healthcare and pharmaceutical companies are relying on production implementation providers to help provide patients with at-home healthcare devices, testing kits, and medicine.

Although many business owners find the idea of cutting down on warehouse storage and order fulfillment appealing, there are no shortcuts when it comes to shipping healthcare devices, medical kits, at-home tests, or DNA kits. With the help of a dependable production implementation services provider, healthcare companies can rest assured that their medical devices and other healthcare kitting products are accurately shipped and stored carefully.

Effective fulfillment in the healthcare industry is crucial to a great patient experience. Production implementation services can achieve this by managing warehousing, inventory management, and safe and timely order delivery.

If you’re still unsure whether working with a production implementation services partner for medical kitting services is worth the investment, consider the following benefits of these partnerships:

  • Discover ways to make distribution more efficient, resulting in reduced costs.
  • Give customers a consistently excellent brand experience.
  • Provide your employees with more time to focus on business growth and product development.
  • Kitting Considerations for Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

    Healthcare providers and production implementation providers alike must adhere to the laws in place for handling healthcare products, including medical records, prescriptions, and other sensitive information. Companies must maintain the privacy of patients and compliance with all rules and regulations in this industry.

    Additionally, hospitals and patients require timely delivery of healthcare products to provide the necessary care. You must ensure your company and any partner you work with maintains timely delivery services for all healthcare products.

    Another consideration is the environment under which various healthcare products must be stored and shipped. Items like biologics and vaccines need suitable environmental conditions to maintain potency, so they must be stored and transported at the right temperatures. These requirements make it important to ask potential providers about the steps they would take to protect these sensitive products.

    Learn More About Medical Kitting Services

    Working with a dependable production implementation services partner that understands the needs of the changing healthcare industry will help you keep your customers and patients healthy and happy. One way we can help at ImageMark is through our medical kitting services, which efficiently and accurately package multiple products into a single convenient kit. Our kitting solutions make it easy to prepare orders for bulk shipments and deliver products with consistent timeliness and care.

    For more information about our kitting services and other fulfillment solutions, contact us today.

    What Are Kitting Services?

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    Various industries and applications benefit from kitting services because of their ability to enhance efficiency, streamline inventory management, and lower costs. Kitting refers to the process of combining and packaging individual products together in a single kit, which makes them easier to sell, distribute, and use. This blog will take a deeper look into kitting services, including their various advantages, the kitting process, key considerations when selecting a kitting services partner, best practices, and more.

    Benefits of Kitting Services

    Kitting services offer various advantages to businesses, including:

    • Improved efficiency. Kitting services increase efficiency by combining individual items into a single package, reducing the amount of time it takes to collect and locate single items.
    • Reduced costs. Kitting services can cut down on expenses by enabling you to manage and store multiple items together, subsequently reducing labor and inventory costs.
    • Increased accuracy. Kitting services improve accuracy by keeping all essential components together in a single unit.
    • Streamlined inventory management. Kitting services streamline the inventory management process by making it easier to order and track items.
    • Enhanced customer satisfaction. Kitting services allow you to provide convenient and customizable products, which can boost customer satisfaction.

    Kitting Services Process

    The kitting services process can be broken down into five key steps:

    1. Order processing. The first step entails receiving and processing orders based on customer needs.
    2. Inventory management. Once the order is processed, it’s time to determine and collect all of the necessary components from inventory.
    3. Assembly. After all the components are gathered, they are assembled into a kit according to customer specifications.
    4. Quality control. Following assembly, the kits undergo the quality control process to ensure they include all of the required components and meet quality standards. 
    5. Packaging and shipping. After passing the quality check, the kits are ready to be packaged and shipped.

    Factors to Consider When Choosing Kitting Services Providers

    When looking for the ideal kitting services provider, there are several key factors to consider. One of the most important things to look for is a high level of expertise and experience. Working with a knowledgeable provider will ensure a smooth and efficient kitting process without errors or delays. You’ll also want to partner with a company that has the flexibility to provide various types of kitting services to meet a range of needs. Capacity is another critical factor to keep in mind, as you’ll want to work with a provider that can handle your business’s size and volume requirements.

    In addition to experience, flexibility, and capacity, be sure to consider the provider’s quality assurance practices. This will ensure that your end products meet customer expectations and have no errors or defects. Lastly, partner with a provider with a dedication to strong customer service, as this will make it much easier to address any issues or concerns you may have throughout the process.

    Industries That Use Kitting Services

    Several industries frequently use kitting services, such as:

    • E-commerce. Companies in this space may use kitting services for optimizing order fulfillment processes and providing customers with customized offerings.
    • Manufacturing. This industry frequently uses kitting services for cost reduction and to streamline production.
    • Healthcare. Kitting services can optimize the assembly of medical kits while minimizing the risk of errors.
    • Retail. Retailers use kitting services for improving inventory management and developing custom gift bundles.
    • Electronics. Companies in the electronics industry use kitting to combine products and accessories and customize product offerings.

    Best Practices for Kitting Services

    To ensure you get the most of kitting services, be sure to follow these best practices:

    Define Kit Contents

    It’s important to define the specific contents of each kit to minimize errors and optimize accuracy. This entails including all the required components and identifying any optional items.

    Standardize the Processes

    Standardization of kitting services will help further prevent errors and improve consistency. Standardization should cover every aspect of the kitting process, from order processing and inventory management to assembly, packaging, quality assurance, and shipping.

    Have Accurate Inventory Records

    Maintaining accurate inventory records by tracking inventory, monitoring usage, and replenishing as needed ensures all required items are available for your kits.

    Quality Control

    By performing quality checks at regular intervals and quickly addressing any issues that arise, you can make sure every kit meets customer expectations with no errors or defects.

    Use of Technology

    Technologies such as automated equipment, and barcoding help to streamline the kitting process by automating various tasks and providing real-time data on order processing, inventory, and shipping.

    Continuous Improvement

    By regularly reviewing and enhancing kitting processes, you can reduce costs and easily identify areas for improvement.

    Kitting Services from ImageMark

    To ensure you experience all of the benefits of kitting services, it’s important to work with the right provider. At ImageMark, we provide superior kitting services for all of our customers using the latest technologies and best practices. We have over 25 years of experience with packaging and distributing medical-related kits of various types, with capabilities that include complex assembly, inventory management, highly personalized components, and many more.

    You can learn more by visiting our kitting services page, or you can contact our experts today to see how our custom kitting services can meet your needs.

    Relevance: The Key to Success in Personalized Printing Campaigns

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    The ability to tailor documents with precision, incorporating variables like gender, income, and geographic location, holds immense potential in print and email marketing. But savvy marketers know that data points, by themselves, don’t make communication effective. So what does? Relevance.

    Relevance is the secret ingredient that transforms a personalized document from simply compiling variables in a database into a compelling communication piece. So how do you create it? By getting to know your audience on a deeper level. Go beyond surface-level data and delve into their habits, preferences, and aspirations.

    Say you promote women’s all-natural health and beauty products, personalizing direct mailings based on name, age, and life stage. Despite experimenting with different variables, the response needs to be higher. At this point, it might be tempting to think personalized print doesn’t work.

    Rather than abandoning the approach, however, you decide to dig deeper. You conduct a print or email survey to learn more about what motivates your audience. You discover that a significant percentage of your prospects are single moms. While they appreciate the value of natural products, budgets are tight, and time management is a greater priority than personal pampering.

    Armed with this newfound knowledge, you can adjust the marketing pitch. Instead of focusing on the personal appeal of all-natural products, highlight their cost-effectiveness compared to commercial alternatives. You might emphasize how these products can boost energy levels, enhance sleep quality, and provide long-term health benefits for growing children.

    The marketing pitch becomes more persuasive and relevant by tailoring the message to address the audience’s unique circumstances.

    We’ve all heard the saying, “Knowledge is power.” That holds in marketing, too. The power to understand customers profoundly and deliver relevant messaging enables you to unlock the full potential of personalized printing. When documents resonate with recipients personally, their impact is amplified, leading to higher response rates, increased engagement, and, ultimately, higher profits and revenues.